Aspen’s 2023 CSR Priorities: Building Sustainable Partnerships for Community Impact


Aspen’s VP, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) & Sustainability, Adam Barboza, discusses Aspen’s focus on creating and nurturing sustainable partnerships with charity partners, celebrates our successful partnerships of 2023 and highlights alignment with UN SDGs and UN Global Compact Principles in a blog below:

In 2023, our core focus at Aspen was to create and nurture sustainable partnerships with third-sector partners to generate positive impacts within our communities. Our focus remained steadfast on supporting charities with which we have long-standing relationships, while also exploring new opportunities aligned with our goals of enhancing environmental sustainability, fostering education, promoting health and wellness, and reducing inequalities. 

Celebrating Successful Partnerships in 2023 

Throughout 2023, we engaged in numerous impactful partnerships, making it challenging to single out the most successful ones. Our CSR committees, comprised of diverse thinkers, carefully evaluated and selected a variety of programs that created significant value. 

In the UK, we maintained strong relationships with several notable organizations: 

  • Panathlon: Supporting children with disabilities through sports. 
  • Street Storage: Assisting individuals in storing their personal belongings to help them lead more stable lives. 
  • Vision Foundation: Working to improve the lives of people with visual impairments. 

In Bermuda, our community outreach was characterized by educational and environmental initiatives: 

  • Bermuda Zoological Society: Focusing on mangrove restoration at Trunk Island. 
  • Waterstart: Providing experiential learning at their Burt Island campus. 
  • Bermuda National Trust: Engaging in environmental work at Paget Marsh. 
  • Home: Addressing homelessness in Bermuda. 

In the US, our CSR efforts were driven by regional champions, ensuring localized impact: 

  • NeuroTalent Works: Partnering with companies to promote neurodiversity in the workplace. 
  • On River Time: Empowering children of abuse and neglect through transformative programs. 
  • Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation (IICF): Uniting the insurance industry to provide grants, volunteer services, and leadership in local communities.
    Building on 2023’s Achievements 

Looking ahead, we aim to deepen our support for third-sector partners and their programs, ensuring they achieve their desired positive impacts. While our funding remains crucial, we also seek to enhance our contributions through active employee engagement, including volunteering and mentoring. This dual approach will foster a strong sense of pride in our corporate and individual contributions, leading to even more robust partnerships.

Alignment with UN SDGs and UN Global Compact Principles 

Aspen’s CSR initiatives are closely aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the UN Global Compact Principles. Since signing on as a signatory to the UN Global Compact in 2020, we have committed to supporting NGO programs that align with these global objectives. Our annual contribution of over $1.3 million supports more than 75 NGO programs, which collectively advance over 300 SDGs. 

 Our CSR focus areas include:
Reducing inequalities
Promoting quality health and wellbeing
Enhancing quality education
Advocating for climate action
Protecting life on land and below water 

Additionally, Aspen invests in the carbon offsetting industry, supporting projects that address specific SDG targets. 

By aligning our efforts with the UN’s global initiatives, we ensure that our commitment to social responsibility is both genuine and impactful, ultimately supporting NGOs in delivering meaningful change. 

Aspen’s CSR approach in 2023 was characterized by a strategic focus on sustainable partnerships, impactful programs, and alignment with global principles, setting the stage for continued positive contributions in the years to come.  

Find out more about our approach to CSR in our latest Sustainability Report.  

Aspen's CSR initiatives are closely aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the UN Global Compact Principles.

Adam Barboza Aspen's VP, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) & Sustainability