Priya Basra on Her Route into Insurance, Her Current Role in Claims and Ways to Attract Young People to the Profession

Aspen News, Claims

Priya Basra, Claims Adjustor at Aspen recently spoke on a panel discussing her route into insurance and her current role. Priya shared fantastic insights into what a typical day looks like for a claims adjustor and how we can encourage young people into the claim’s profession:

Can you tell us about your career to date and how you got into your current role?

Like a lot of other people, I ‘fell’ into Insurance. I had studied Law at University but wasn’t sure if that was the path I wanted to pursue. I didn’t really know what I wanted to do at all after university, so I applied for a role as a Claims Assistant at Beazley whilst I figured it out. It turned out that I really enjoyed the role and found that it was a good way to apply the skills learnt in my degree, and I really enjoyed the social nature and ‘buzz’ of the market. I started in the Healthcare team; and whilst I really enjoyed claims, healthcare didn’t seem the right move for me. I then moved over to the Cyber team and then subsequently, the PI team, where I began handling claims. I spent 4 years at Beazley before moving to Aspen a year ago. At Aspen, I handle PI, Cyber and D&O claims in a variety of jurisdictions.

What’s a typical day for you and what do you enjoy most about your current role?

One of the best things about working in claims is how varied, interesting and relevant it is. The claims I am handling can be very topical and relate to what is happening in the world. I also enjoy how the legal landscape is always changing and there are always emerging risks on our radar. It keeps things interesting!

The market is unique in its collegiate nature, and I can’t think of many other industries where you are working so closely with people from different companies. There are so many great people with so much knowledge to share and every day I get to work with lawyers and brokers all over the world. I really enjoy the social aspect of the role, and I have made some great friends in the market, which I think makes work so much more enjoyable.  

What do you find challenging about your role? How have you managed these challenges?

I think I sometimes struggle a little with imposter syndrome. I think it’s something that most junior people can struggle with and something I struggle with almost on a weekly basis even 5 years in. It can definitely be intimidating to be the claims person on conference calls with really established lawyers for example. It’s easier said than done, but it is important to believe in your own abilities.  I also think it is important to remember that everyone starts somewhere, and no one is born with loads of Insurance knowledge. I used to feel quite embarrassed if I didn’t know something and I didn’t want to bother more senior people by asking but I really regret doing that. I would encourage anybody starting out to ask as many questions as they can. You’ll find that often, colleagues are more than happy to help you as they’ve all been in the same boat.

Is there anything you are aspiring to do or achieve in your career?

I don’t really have a set plan of where I want my career to go, I am enjoying what I am doing now, and I just want to continue to expand my knowledge in the fields I am working in. I would like to become more involved in CSR initiatives. I’ve done a few volunteering schemes through work such as the Lloyds reading partners and the Future Frontiers program at Aspen, which involves coaching kids of GCSE age. I’ve found these schemes very rewarding and enjoyable. I am also involved in Aspen’s RESET ERG which is our inclusion and diversity network. I have organized a few events for the group which have been fun.

How can we encourage young people into the Claims profession?

This year, at Aspen we have had our first intake of Claims Apprentices (and also apprentices in other teams in the business), I think this is really great as it provides school leavers with a clear pathway into claims. When I first started as an assistant, most of the claim’s handlers were ex-lawyers and there wasn’t really a clear pathway for progression, so I think it is amazing that we have launched this initiative. I know a lot of other companies are also doing similar things in this area and it is great that the market is becoming more accessible and inclusive.

Finally, if you were to give advice to yourself in day 1 of your career, what would it be.

I think it is what you make it so I would say to get stuck in and be curious, ask lots of questions. I would also say to come to as many events like this as possible because you learn a lot and also have the opportunity to network and form relationships, which is so important in the market.

I would also say to my younger self to start your insurance exams early. I put it off for so long because I didn’t want to do more exams straight after university, but now, I have started them this year and it is hard to make time for exams when you’re so busy with work. I would definitely recommend getting your exams done early on and your future self will thank you.

If you’re looking for a role in claims, make sure you take a look at our current vacancies.