Spotlight on: Aspen’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Measurement, Reduction & Offsetting


Aspen’s Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions data collection and analysis have significantly evolved in recent years. You can view a table presenting Aspen’s GHG emissions comparing 2022 vs 2023 in our annual report.

Our increase in reported emissions this year is due to the significant expansion of our GHG reporting coverage. In 2023, we extended the boundaries of our measurement to cover the following categories across all of our facilities, globally:

  • Purchased Goods & Services
  • Capital Goods
  • Downstream Leased Assets
  • Upstream Transportation & Distribution

We collaborate with Furthr to calculate our GHG emissions and develop plans to reduce our environmental impact. Our strategy focuses on:

  • Reducing GHG Emissions: We continue to develop our emissions reduction plan with initiatives that involve integrating efficient energy management within Aspen’s global operations. We aim to reduce our absolute emissions annually while seeking higher data accuracy with each measurement. Additionally, we are committed to compensating for a significant portion of unavoidable emissions through the funding of carbon offsetting projects.
  • Carbon Offsetting: We fund rigorously-audited and verified carbon offset programs, adhering to Furthr’s Key 12 Quality Criteria. These programs also support global nature and biodiversity improvements. In total, we offset 4,477 tons of CO2, with projects focusing on reforestation, biodiversity, and improved forest management worldwide.

The three carbon offsetting projects we invested in for 2023 are:

We recognize there is always more to be done and remain committed to improving and reducing emissions while supporting our natural ecosystems across the globe.

Read more about our approach to sustainability in our 2023 report.